Maxava products deliver the needs of today’s businesses by providing practical protection against the lost revenue, legal risk and brand damage triggered by unplanned downtime and business interruptions.
Getting Started with IBM Administration Runtime Expert on IBM i
In this white paper, we explore the functionalities and benefits of Administration Runtime Expert, backed up by practical use cases, to empower IBM i System Administrators with the knowledge necessary to confidently manage their IBM i estate.
Considerations when looking for an alternative HA/DR solution
Whether you are exploring alternatives driven by considerations of cost, performance, or evolving requirements, this document offers a comprehensive overview of HA/DR and the current array of solutions for accomplishing it on the IBM i platform.
Improve your IBM i Journaling Performance
Journaling is a foundational function within the IBM i operating system and is generally used for recovery purposes. This whitepaper reviews key configuration parameters closely associated with journaling and provides information on why you may want to select various settings.
Elevate Your IBM i Cloud Strategy
This whitepaper provides valuable insights into the world of cloud designed to help IBM i organizations build a cloud strategy by introducing the current cloud options, the benefits and challenges of moving to the cloud, and how to effectively migrate to the cloud, and if the need arises, back to on-premise.